
Pope Francis met with gay couple before Kim Davis.

First Kim Davis’ lawyer told the media that Davis had met with Pope Francis on Sept. 24 in Washington, D.C., but the Vatican wouldn’t say it was true, so no one knew what to believe. Then the Vatican confirmed that it had happened and everyone was all like, “Bwah? What?” because the pope typically avoids taking divisive positions on symbolic partisan controversies. Then the Vatican clarified that the Davis-Francis meeting did not constitute an endorsement of Davis’ refusal to issue same-sex marriage licenses. And then, just now, CNN reported that on Sept. 23 the pope met in D.C. with “a longtime friend from Argentina who has been in a same-sex relationship for 19 years.”


Yayo Grassi, an openly gay man, brought his partner, Iwan, as well several other friends to the Vatican Embassy on September 23 for a brief visit with the Pope. A video of the meeting shows Grassi and Francis greeting each other with a warm hug.

In an exclusive interview with CNN, Grassi declined to disclose details about the short visit, but said it was arranged personally by the Pope via email in the weeks ahead of Francis’ highly anticipated visit to the United States.

This pope—he’s here, he’s there, he’s meeting with gay people, he’s meeting with straight people, he’s all over the place!

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