
N. Korean national treasure

N. Korean national treasure:  Potongmun,<strong></strong> North Korea's National Treasure No. 2, is in downtown Pyongyang. This western gate of the walled city of Pyongyang was built during the ancient kingdom of Goguryeo (37 B.C.-668 A.D.). It later underwent renovations and then was rebuilt in 1473 during the Joseon Kingdom (1392-1910). / Joint Press Corps
N. Korean national treasure: Potongmun, North Korea's National Treasure No. 2, is in downtown Pyongyang. This western gate of the walled city of Pyongyang was built during the ancient kingdom of Goguryeo (37 B.C.-668 A.D.). It later underwent renovations and then was rebuilt in 1473 during the Joseon Kingdom (1392-1910). / Joint Press Corps

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